First and foremost, if you’re looking to view my various coaching programs and schedule availability,


and you will be directed to detailed descriptions of what I offer and a calendar for booking purposes.

Secondly, thank you so much for visiting! If you don’t mind, I’d like to admit to my agenda here quick so we are all on the same page, and so that you can be sure you’re in the right place (which I hope you are!)

To be honest, the purpose of my effort in this blog is two-fold:

I want to make sure you know that you can live a healthy, sane, loving existence. You can have energy, enthusiasm, confidence, and purpose. Without exception. It is possible to slow down. Your inner you does have something to say. You can learn to listen, implement, grow, and thrive, regardless of life’s curve balls. On your own time, and in your own way.

Life can and will change, but how much sweeter it would be if you could absorb the force of it all with grace and acceptance rather than stress, resentment, guilt, and blame. It turns out the healthiest thing you can do is give yourself space, patience, attention, and faith. Everything else WILL fall into place, and all without forcing or fighting or depriving yourself (or others) along the way.

Third, I need a place to get my thoughts out into the world. For me. For my sanity. For my journey. And I want to thank you for making this a safe place for me to share. Just like everyone else, I’ve had my own questions, struggles, frustrations, revelations, and transitions. If I never acknowledged them, if I never wrote them down, I’d never remember them long enough to make an impact. And furthermore, I’d not have a way to help encourage you through your circumstances either.

As much as I’ve never wanted to admit that I need help to do this thing called life, never wanted to depend on others for understanding or reassurance, always thinking I could do it all by my big girl self, I think you’d agree that reading about or listening to the story of another soul who was lost and then found can be one of the most therapeutic and uplifting things we can do to get back on track. Even if we do it in the quiet of our own homes, and with strangers from half-way around the world, connection is inspiration, and it should not be underestimated, ever.

So, if you are frustrated with your health, your mindset, your weight, your relationships, even your job, I hope you’ll open yourself up to the possibility that a shift there is a comin’. All you have to do is open your door just a peek, and that small act of faith will be the start of something bigger and better than you could have ever imagined as you sit here in your present moment.

Here’s to learning how to trust yourself to know what’s best. And here’s to committing to follow your own lead when you find yourself stressed to the max. You already have all the answers inside of you, after all, so you might as well start listening to that inner wisdom sooner than later. I hope you agree.

Slow and Steady Stays the Course,

Jenni. 🙂